Sugestiile vor fi afișate după ce începi să tastezi în câmpul de căutare. Utilizează săgețile în sus și în jos pentru a consulta sugestiile. Utilizează tasta Enter pentru a selecta. Dacă selecția este o expresie, acea expresie va fi introdusă în câmpul de căutare. Dacă sugestia este un link, browserul va naviga la pagina respectivă.

Preaprobarea oaspeților

Guests have contacted you about your place, and that’s good! Encourage them to book by sending a pre-approval. They’ll have 24 hours to confirm their reservation. Once they do, you’re both set.

Pentru a preaproba un oaspete:

Cum să preaprobi o rezervare pe computer

  1. Dă clic pe Mesaje și deschide mesajul de la oaspetele tău.
  2. Atinge rezervarea.
  3. Atinge Preaprobă.

If a guest hasn’t accepted a pre-approval or your situation has changed, follow the steps above and select Withdraw pre-approval.

Things to know

  • Your listing’s calendar is still marked as available when you pre-approve a guest.
  • You can offer multiple guests a pre-approval for the same dates, just let each guest know that there are other people interested in booking. Once the space is filled, other guests will be automatically notified.
  • Once a pre-approval expires, the guest will need to send another request to book. This will be for the same price as the original pre-approval. If you want to change the price, you need to retract your original pre-approval.
  • Pre-approvals do not override your reservation requirements.
  • Pre-approvals can only be sent for the date range of the guest's inquiry.
  • Pre-approval and special offer reservations won't apply for promotions.

Unblock your calendar

If you don't see the option to pre-approve a guest, it means that your calendar is blocked for some or all of the guest’s reservation dates. Try editing your calendar to show your listing is available. Please note: Airbnb can block your calendar if you haven’t provided all the information required for your account.

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