Sugestiile vor fi afișate după ce începi să tastezi în câmpul de căutare. Utilizează săgețile în sus și în jos pentru a consulta sugestiile. Utilizează tasta Enter pentru a selecta. Dacă selecția este o expresie, acea expresie va fi introdusă în câmpul de căutare. Dacă sugestia este un link, browserul va naviga la pagina respectivă.

Calcularea încasării tale

Ready to count your earnings? Here’s how it works for the listing owner:

Your nightly rate plus your optional extra charges (a cleaning fee or extra guest fee, etc.) minus the Host service fee and any Co-Host payouts you share = your payout.

The Host service fee is calculated by multiplying the total booking amount by a percentage and then is automatically subtracted from your payout. Your guests do pay a service fee to Airbnb in addition to the cost of your listing. So your guest's total price is higher than your payout.

For more information on your payouts, check out your earnings dashboard.

If your payout and set price don’t match

Your listing price is completely up to you! Here are some things that can impact your payout:

  • Calendar pricing: Weekend pricing or custom calendar pricing.
  • Length-of-stay discounts: Your weekly or monthly discount.
  • Long-term reservations: Payments are collected and released in monthly installments.
  • Co-Host payouts: Amounts you’ve set up to share payouts from bookings of stays with your Co-Hosts. Learn more about how Co-Host payouts work.
  • Routing rules or minimum payout amounts: Changing your settings for routing rules or a minimum payout amount.
  • VAT: Value-added tax (VAT) may be added in addition to the Airbnb service fee.
  • Processing fee: Your financial institution may charge their own fees so contact them with any questions.
  • Fast Pay fee: Fast pay fees, if eligible, may be deducted from each payout. More about Fast Pay.
  • Currency exchange: If your listing currency doesn’t match your payout currency, the exchange fee is deducted from your payout at the time of payment. (To avoid this charge, simply change your currency in your listing’s pricing settings.)
  • Adjustment fee: If you initiated a refund to your guest, or if you canceled a previous booking.
  • Host coupon: If your guest used a Host coupon you sent.
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