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Ghid • Oaspete

AirCover pentru oaspeți

Every booking comes with AirCover for guests. If there’s a serious issue with your Airbnb that your Host can't resolve, we’ll help you find a similar place, depending on availability at comparable pricing. If a similar place isn’t available or you’d prefer not to rebook, we’ll give you a full or partial refund.

If anything comes up, your Host is your best point of contact; it’s likely they’ll be able to fix it. You can message your Host directly to let them know what’s going on.

Host cancellations

If your Host cancels before check-in, we’ll help you get rebooked. Our team can help you find a similar place, considering location and amenities, based on availability at comparable pricing. If a similar place isn’t available or you’d prefer not to rebook, we’ll give you a full refund, including service fees.

Learn more about what to expect if your Host cancels your reservation.

Unable to check-in

When you have a confirmed reservation, you’ll have your Host’s email and phone number in the message thread for your trip. If you can’t get into your Airbnb on arrival and your Host doesn’t respond or can’t resolve the issue, we’ll help you find a similar place, depending on availability at comparable pricing. If a similar place isn’t available or you’d prefer not to rebook, we’ll give you a full refund, including service fees.

Check out what to do next if you can’t get in touch with your Host.

Inaccurate listings

If the listing is significantly different than advertised, your Host is a great resource to fix the issue. If the listing is significantly different than advertised and your Host can’t resolve the issue, we’ll help you find a similar place, depending on availability at comparable pricing. If a similar place isn’t available or you’d prefer not to rebook, we’ll give you a full or partial refund.

24-hour safety line

If you ever feel unsafe, we're here to help you get priority access to specially trained safety agents who will assist you with your safety issues or directly connect you to local emergency authorities, day or night.

Need to reach us? Contact us by phone, email, or chat.

How AirCover for guests works

AirCover for guests provides support for serious issues with your booking (e.g. Host cancels your reservation prior to check-in) or during your stay (e.g. The heating is not working in winter, the listing has fewer bedrooms than listed, it’s a different type of home – a private room instead of an entire home, a major advertised amenity such as a pool or kitchen is missing), but it doesn’t include more minor inconveniences, like a broken toaster.

Your Host is your best point of contact to reach out to if anything comes up. You can message your Host directly to let them know what’s going on.

If an issue does come up during your stay:

  1. Take photos or videos of the issue, if you can.
  2. Contact your Host within 72 hours of discovering the problem and describe the issue to them to see if they can resolve it.
  3. If your Host can’t resolve the issue or doesn't respond at all, contact us as soon as possible.
  4. We’ll review it and if we find it’s an issue that’s supported by AirCover for guests and you’d like to leave the place, we’ll help you find a similar place to stay, depending on availability at comparable pricing. If a similar place isn’t available or you’d prefer not to rebook, we’ll give you a full or partial refund.

AirCover for guests is not an insurance policy. It doesn’t cover travel related issues (example: Your trip is delayed due to a storm, your luggage is damaged by your carrier). Learn more here

If you're a Host, learn more about AirCover for Hosts and recent improvements we've made.

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